Painting Competition
Panel of Judges
We are honoured to having two great Hong Kong artists, Ms. Winnie Mak and Ms. Fiona Wong in the judging panel who will be devoting their time and sharing their professional knowledge with Dance for Life. It will definitely be an unforgettable experience for all the participants.

Winnie MAK
Contemporary Ink Painter
Mak was born in 1956 in Hong Kong. She studied Chinese ink painting and calligraphy in Canada in the 1970s. After returning to Hong Kong in 1994, she set up her studio and conducted painting classes for children. Apart from developing her own artwork, she administered an array of visual arts exhibitions and cultural exchange programs, in her capacity as curator and organiser for the Hong Kong Committee of the Federation of Asian Artists.
Her artworks have been included in the collection of: The Duanghuang Arts Centre, China; The Ratchadamnoen Contemporary Art Centre in Bangkok, the Ministry of Culture of Thailand; The International Printmaking Centre of the National Taiwan Normal University; The Diaghilev Museum of Modern Art of the St. Petersburg State University; Muzeul de Arta Cluj-Napoca, Romania; The Douro Museum, Alijo, Portugal. And in Hong Kong: the University Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong; Yigingzhai Studio; The Hongkong Land Limited; and other corporate and private collectors, both locally and internationally.
Fiona WONG
HKAS, Senior Lecturer/Subject Coordination
Fiona is a renowned and well-respected ceramic artist in Hong Kong. She was selected as the Artist of the Year (Visual Arts) in the Hong Kong Arts Development Awards 2017. In the same year, she received the commendation award presented by the Secretary of Home Affairs for her contributions to the promotion of arts and culture.
Fiona’s works have been widely exhibited locally and internationally, and have been collected and treasured by numerous museums and private sectors. She was invited to take part in the Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale in Japan in 2015. She has also been invited to the artist-in-residence programmes across the globe, setting foot in countries such as Australia, Germany, Japan, and the United States.

Founder, Dance For Life Charitable Organisation, DanceNefertiti Egyptian & Middle Eastern Dance School.
Through the years of experience in the medical as well as the dance field, May believes that by promoting dance for health and culture, one can empower and unleash the inner strength of everyone.